
Wacky 💦 Watersports Menu

208 Pages in 7 Chapters

  1. Safety   Page 1  
  2. We've compiled the best water safety tips we could find
    1. Jellyfish   Page 2  
    2. 75% of potentially fatal stings from jellyfish can be prevented
      1. Box Jellyfish   Page 3  
      2. It is considered the most lethal jellyfish in the world
      3. Irukandji   Page 4  
      4. Its venom is very powerful
      5. Man of War   Page 5  
      6. Stings usually cause severe pain to humans
      7. Sea Lice   Page 6  
      8. They are microscopic in size and transparent in water

    3. Hypothermia   Page 7  
    4. You can develop hypothermia without immediately recognising it
    5. Open Water   Page 8  
    6. Always go with other swimmers
    7. Rip Currents   Page 9  
    8. Rips are the cause of most rescues performed at beaches
    9. Thunderstorms   Page 10  
    10. Each year lightning claims many lives or causes injuries
    11. Waves   Page 11  
    12. There are three kinds of waves

  3. Beach   Page 12  
  4. The beach is the goto place for lots of wet fun
    1. Fun   Page 13  
    2. The beach is the goto place for lots of wet fun
      1. Ball Games   Page 14  
      2. Beach ball games are fun with your friends
      3. Bikes   Page 15  
      4. Mountain bikers have enormous fun chasing down mudtrails
      5. Rope Swing   Page 16  
      6. I got up this morning eager to go on a long hike
      7. Walking on Water   Page 17  
      8. Walking on water is a new extreme sport
      9. Workout   Page 18  
      10. The beach workout helps develop skills for life

    3. Open Water   Page 19  
    4. There is a freedom and challenge to open water swimming
      1. Learn   Page 20  
      2. The beach has a few more challenges than the pool
      3. Warm Up   Page 21  
      4. A warm-up before open water swimming can help get your muscles working
      5. Canoe   Page 22  
      6. One day we decided to go back to the lake we used to swim in before
      7. Lake   Page 23  
      8. Lake swimming is an amazing adventure
      9. Rain Swim   Page 24  
      10. Rain swimming is a wonderful experience
      11. Surf   Page 25  
      12. Swimming in the surf can be exhiliarating fun

    5. Running   Page 26  
    6. "Running is a watersport?" you may ask
      1. Clothing   Page 27  
      2. Running can be a great experience if your clothing fits well
      3. Adventure   Page 28  
      4. Adventure Racing is a multi-sport team challenge
      5. Mud Run   Page 29  
      6. If you're looking for a different thrill, take part in a Mud Run
        1. Preparation   Page 30  
        2. Before you lace up your clean and tidy running shoes, read these tips
        3. Race Day   Page 31  
        4. Join a team or find a partner to run with
        5. Reader Story   Page 32  
        6. Just after my 16th birthday I took part in a mud run for the first time

      7. Obstacle Run   Page 33  
      8. Obstacle courses teach you some useful skills as you prepare for a mud run
        1. Cross Country   Page 34  
        2. Teams of runners compete on a course over open or rough terrain
        3. Orienteering   Page 35  
        4. Orienteering is a running sport involving navigation with a map and compass

      9. Rain Run   Page 36  
      10. A rainy day can be the most comfortable day of all
      11. Sand   Page 37  
      12. Running on the beach varies a bit from cross country or mud running
      13. Sprietlopen   Page 38  
      14. This water game from the Netherlands is all about balance

    7. Snorkeling   Page 39  
    8. Face down in the water and breathing through a short tube
      1. Clothes   Page 40  
      2. The most hazardous element to snorkelers is the sun
      3. Mask   Page 41  
      4. Full-face snorkel masks have only been around for a few years
      5. Pool Practice   Page 42  
      6. Pool training is a fun way to get familiar with your snorkeling kit
      7. Toxic Sunscreen   Page 43  
      8. Protect the coral reef and wear clothes instead of sun lotion

    9. Stand Up Paddling   Page 44  
    10. Standup paddle boarding (SUP) is a water sport born from surfing
    11. Surfing   Page 45  
    12. Modern-day surfers mostly ride a wave standing up on a surfboard
      1. Bodyboarding   Page 46  
      2. There several different ways to ride a bodyboard
      3. Jet Ski   Page 47  
      4. Surfers use jet skis to get to waves
      5. Kitesurfing   Page 48  
      6. Kiteboarders harness the power of the wind with a large controllable power kite
      7. Windsurfing   Page 49  
      8. At one time referred to as "surfing's ginger haired cousin"

  5. Boats   Page 50  
  6. In this section we share with you some useful stuff about boats
    1. Clothes   Page 51  
    2. There is a wide range of sailing gear and accessories available on the market today
    3. Pool   Page 52  
    4. The best way to learn boat handling is in a swimming pool
    5. Canoeing   Page 53  
    6. Paddling your way through the wilderness can be a wonderful opportunity
      1. Pool   Page 54  
      2. Capsize training in the pool is exciting fun
      3. Capsize   Page 55  
      4. Look forward to a few capsizes during your canoeing trips
      5. Summer   Page 56  
      6. For the trip we packed quick drying sportswear and rain clothing
      7. Thailand   Page 57  
      8. During the rainy season it is not so hot
      9. Wet Trip   Page 58  

    7. Kayaking   Page 59  
    8. Kayaking is a real fun watersport as you get wet often from spray and rolling
      1. Pool   Page 60  
      2. The best way to learn kayaking is in a swimming pool
      3. Designs   Page 61  
      4. You will get somewhat wet from the water that drops off the paddle
      5. Eskimo Roll   Page 62  
      6. To roll your boat up again is an essential skill to save time or even your life
      7. Hand Roll   Page 63  
      8. Hand rolling is a method of righting a capsized kayak without using a paddle
      9. Rescues   Page 64  
      10. Rescue trainings can be great fun when you practice them with your friends
      11. Wet Entry   Page 65  
      12. There are two ways to get into your boat when you're in open water
      13. Wet Exit   Page 66  
      14. It is natural for you to feel some apprehension and excitement before your first wet exit

    9. Rafting   Page 67  
    10. Traditional rafting is about paddling along on a raft
      1. Inflatable Rafts   Page 68  
      2. Ponton Rafts   Page 69  
      3. Traditional rafting is about paddling along on a raft

    11. Rowing   Page 70  
    12. Rowing is a sport which goes back to Ancient Egyptian times
      1. Swim Test   Page 71  
      2. In a good rowing course you learn to swim fully clothed
      3. Capsize Training   Page 72  
      4. The capsize drill really is fun!

    13. Sailing   Page 73  
    14. Being close to the water, and often in it, is a refreshing experience
      1. Dinghy   Page 74  
      2. This is the real sailing watersport, full of wet action and excitement
      3. Bareboat   Page 75  
      4. You rent a boat and skipper it yourself
      5. Flotilla   Page 76  
      6. The Ionian Islands of Greece remain the top spot for flotilla sailing
      7. Sailboat Hire   Page 77  
      8. Sailing boats take visitors to different beaches or nearby islands

  7. Hiking   Page 78  
  8. Prepare to get soaking wet and muddy on an amphibious trek
    1. Rain   Page 79  
    2. Knowing the difference between rain and showers can make your day
    3. Camping   Page 80  
    4. In this section we share some wet weather camping tips
      1. Adventure   Page 81  
      2. The fun exercises on this page prepare you for camping adventures
      3. Bags   Page 82  
      4. Sealed backpacks keep your kit dry
      5. Setup   Page 83  
      6. Rainy days won’t bother you if you come prepared
      7. Shelter   Page 84  
      8. Get your poncho as big as you can, if you want to use it as a shelter

    5. Coast   Page 85  
    6. Rainy days by the sea are not wasted when you go on a coastal hike
      1. Rockpooling   Page 86  
      2. This can be a lot of fun
      3. Safety   Page 87  
      4. On this page are a few tips that help you stay safe
      5. Tides   Page 88  
      6. There is plenty of time to swim and rest while waiting for the tide to change

    7. Cycling   Page 89  
    8. River   Page 90  
      1. Safety   Page 91  
      2. Canyoning   Page 92  
      3. Canyoning is like white water rafting but without the raft
      4. Floating   Page 93  
      5. Rafting   Page 94  
      6. Riverboarding   Page 95  
      7. Does the combination of white water, adrenaline and spectacular views excite you?
      8. Tracing   Page 96  
      9. River tracing is a mix of trekking and canyoning
      10. Tubing   Page 97  
      11. Tubing means floating on a truck tyre tube

    9. Wildlife   Page 98  
    10. When it rains you can experience nature at its gentle side
      1. Camouflage   Page 99  
      2. Clothes   Page 100  
      3. Research   Page 101  
      4. Routes   Page 102  
      5. Wading   Page 103  
      6. Wading is a necessary and common requirement for wildlife watching
      7. Waterfalls   Page 104  

  9. Jobs   Page 105  
  10. This section is all about jobs in and around water
    1. Beach   Page 106  
    2. Jobs on the beach are fun but can be demanding
      1. Boats   Page 107  
      2. At our beach resort lots of small boats come in and go out all day long
      3. Floats   Page 108  
      4. My friends and I rent out truck tire floats

    3. Pool   Page 109  
    4. Pool attendants provide a safe, clean, and fun swimming environment
      1. Adventure   Page 110  
      2. The best place to teach adventure trekking skills is at the local leisure centre with swimming pools
      3. Coach   Page 111  
      4. Teaching survival skills is important, but often neglected by leisure centres or swimming clubs
      5. Lifeguard   Page 112  
      6. The local pool was looking for part-time lifeguards
      7. Pool Boy   Page 113  
      8. My business takes me to many swimming pools nearby
      9. Sea Survival   Page 114  
      10. The local sea training centre offers a variety of exciting safety courses
      11. Spa   Page 115  
      12. Working at a health spa is a great job
      13. Teachers   Page 116  
      14. Swimming teachers help people of all ages and abilities to develop swimming skills and techniques

    5. Resort   Page 117  
    6. I worked as a pool attendant at a wellness resort hotel
      1. Guests   Page 118  
      2. Misha was soaking wet and thanked me
      3. Survival   Page 119  
      4. After lunch I changed into a dry tee-shirt and tracksuit for the advanced swimming lesson
      5. Teenagers   Page 120  
      6. His dark nylon anorak glistened in the sunlight with every swim stroke
      7. Weather   Page 121  
      8. I had no choice but to get my dry clothes wet again

    7. Reviewer   Page 122  
    8. For an Internet publishing house we work in a small team
    9. Summer Camp   Page 123  
    10. Some years ago I worked for an amazing adventure centre
      1. Briefing   Page 124  
      2. The test asessed how well we could swim in clothes
      3. Our Room   Page 125  
      4. Giovanni was very much into wet clothes and ponchos
      5. Party   Page 126  
      6. They set the buffet up in a way that we have to get across the pool
      7. Survival   Page 127  
      8. Swimming in clothes was a fun experience for many students
      9. Beach   Page 128  
      10. It was a bright sunny morning when we headed for the beach
      11. Canoe   Page 129  
      12. The wet jogging suit weighed a lot as I climbed back into the boat
      13. Climb   Page 130  
      14. I was told to put the hood up before I descended into the waterfall
      15. Mud   Page 131  
      16. In our soaking wet heavy clothes that was quite a challenge
      17. Rain   Page 132  
      18. It was exciting to see so many people jump into the lake
      19. Weekend   Page 133  
      20. Nico dived in and swam a few warm-up lengths

    11. Waterpark   Page 134  
    12. They were looking for pool staff to assist the lifeguards
      1. First Day   Page 135  
      2. The idea of getting my own clothes wet on the first day appealed to me
      3. Lessons   Page 136  
      4. My task often was to run the advanced swimming classes
      5. Park Hike   Page 137  
      6. This special class teaches basic adventure trekking and wetland hiking
      7. Rookies   Page 138  
      8. This waterpark has a lifeguard rookie programme
      9. Slides   Page 139  
      10. This water park has three staff members on each slide

  11. Pool   Page 140  
    1. Clothing   Page 141  
    2. Clothes add greater realism to your swimming and lifesaving practice
      1. Indoor Pools   Page 142  
      2. Your swimwear should not limit your ability to move or be too heavy for you
      3. Outdoor Pools   Page 143  
      4. Swimmers are advised to wear sun protective clothes
      5. Showers   Page 144  
      6. There are way too many people who simply enter the pool without showering
      7. Waterparks   Page 145  
      8. Your clothes should be comfy the whole time, both wet or dry

    3. Lessons   Page 146  
    4. Learn Swimming in Clothes
      1. Clothes   Page 147  
      2. For fun lessons in the pool you want quick drying clothes
      3. College   Page 148  
      4. Every weekday morning before breakfast we had swim training in the pool
      5. Open Water   Page 149  
      6. Underwater   Page 150  
      7. It becomes more interesting and challenging when you swim in clothes

    5. Parties   Page 151  
    6. The thrill is that you wear comfy casual clothes in the water
      1. Clothes   Page 152  
      2. Bring several outfits so you can change into dry clothes a few times during the party
      3. Dress Code   Page 153  
      4. A pool party is more fun if you set a simple dress code
      5. Fashion Ideas   Page 154  
      6. Foam Party   Page 155  
      7. You step onto the dance floor that is covered with four feet of soap foam

    7. Swim Camp   Page 156  
    8. At the end of each academic year my sports university organises Swim Camp
      1. Packing   Page 157  
      2. Pack your bag early and refine it as you pick up more ideas
      3. Party   Page 158  
      4. My brother Felix had told me about the wild parties
      5. Basics   Page 159  
      6. We were meant to get used to swimming in clothes
      7. Lifesaving   Page 160  
      8. Lifesaving clearly is a contact sport
      9. Run   Page 161  
      10. One by one we ran along the wooden jetty and jumped into the lake
      11. Training   Page 162  
      12. Every day before breakfast we enjoyed our social morning swim

  12. Travel   Page 163  
    1. England   Page 164  
      1. Cornwall   Page 165  
        1. Boscastle   Page 166  
        2. Bude   Page 167  
        3. Newquay   Page 168  
          1. Surfing   Page 169  
          2. Eastern Beaches   Page 170  
          3. Town Beaches   Page 171  
          4. Western Beaches   Page 172  

        4. Tintagel   Page 173  
        5. Truro   Page 174  

      2. Devon   Page 175  
        1. Croyde   Page 176  
        2. Plymouth   Page 177  
        3. Torquay   Page 178  

      3. Hampshire   Page 179  
        1. Isle of Wight   Page 180  
        2. Portsmouth   Page 181  
        3. Southampton   Page 182  

      4. Sussex   Page 183  
        1. Brighton   Page 184  
        2. Rottingdean and Saltdean   Page 185  
        3. Rottingdean and Saltdean have a vibrant community scene
        4. Swimfit Team   Page 186  
        5. We welcome swimmers from ethnic and social minorities

    2. Philippines   Page 187  
    3. You'll find some of the best diving and snorkeling reefs
      1. Boracay   Page 188  
      2. Boracay's beaches have received awards from numerous travel publications and agencies
      3. Puerto Galera   Page 189  
      4. Puerto Galera is only 3 to 4 hours away from Manila by bus and ferry
        1. Boat Trip   Page 190  
        2. We went on a fun boat trip to some beautiful beaches
        3. Jet Skis   Page 191  
        4. Experience the spray of water on your face and clothes
        5. Snorkeling   Page 192  
        6. Puerto Galera is among the top diving destinations in the Philippines

    4. Thailand   Page 193  
      1. Advice   Page 194  
      2. The Thai custom is to swim in clothes
        1. Companions   Page 195  
        2. A companion helps you find your way around Thailand
        3. Rainy Season   Page 196  
        4. Contrary to popular belief the best time for hiking is the rainy season

      3. Songkran   Page 197  
      4. This really is the biggest wet festival worldwide
        1. Clothing Tips   Page 198  
        2. The Songkran custom is to get wet in clothes
        3. Romance   Page 199  
        4. I went to Chiang Mai with an open mind to see what happens

      5. Beach   Page 200  
        1. Koh Samed   Page 201  
        2. Pattaya   Page 202  
        3. Banana Boats   Page 203  
        4. Going on a banana boat is a fantastic experience

      6. Chiang Mai   Page 204  
      7. Chiang Mai is blessed with stunning natural beauty and unique indigenous cultural identity
        1. Canyon   Page 205  
        2. Lake   Page 206  
        3. Rice Fields   Page 207  
        4. Traditional wet-rice farming requires a great deal of physical labour
        5. Waterfalls   Page 208  
        6. Waterfalls are popular with Thais to sit around and have a dip